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ALP is implemented as an Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol. It acts like a WEB server but without need of network. It executes WEB applications such as ASP pages and CGI applications. ALP makes Internet Explorer to be server and client. With ALP you can write stand-alone desktop applications, CD-ROM autoruns, use ASP for pure desktop software and still keep your code ready to run on WEB servers too.
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Labeling, Barcoding and inventory

Active Label ActiveX

Labeling and Barcoding application in an ActiveX control. Emebed it on the WEB pages of your application and enable the users design labels interactively, put on them barcodes, images from the local machine or URL. Print label sets from within the WEB pages of your application and even upload the label and its elements.

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Active Label ActiveX
Barcode ActiveX? Much more - the design and printing inside your WEB application
SQLite3 COM ActiveX embeds the SQLite3 database engine and interface to it. Supports paremeterized views and triggers.
Active Local Pages 1.2
Write desktop apps in ASP and CGI. Create wutorun CDs using WEB technologies - yes it is possible!
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Script dafely any ActiveX in Pocket IE. Build applications in HTML and use local resources and components in them.
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Create complex toolbars for Microsoft Internet Explorer easier than you may have expected.

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 newObjects Active Label ActiveX   
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Programming overview

Programming with newObjects Active Label

This is a quick preview of the Active Label ActiveX programming techniques and object model. Full documentation and samples are included in the download packages.

Active Label ActiveX is designed for usage on WEB pages and custom Windows applications. It gives them the ability to integrate printing, viewing and interactive design of labels and other small format printing materials. The applications can use all or part of the features in any particular place depending on what is needed. For example WEB pages used by an operator who sorts and registers items in a warehouse would usually only show a label with minimal preview options and allow the operator to start the printing. On the other hand pages intended for the system manager would usually provide him/her with interactive editing features and options to save the designed labels and their resources into the application's database on the server. There are also many other cases which can be put between these examples, in some of them partial editing may be desired, in others only strictly pre-defined optional elements would be allowed for limited editing and so on.

To provide all these features Active Label has the object architecture pictured on the following figure:

First of all you must ember the Active Label control on the WEB page or in a custom application. On WEB page this may look like this:

<object classid="clsid:09A02CEE-410B-47BA-A837-E62C9C8D70BF"
    width="100%" height="400" 

In this particular example the DATA attribute is used to pass the label definition to the control. But Active Label supports many alternative methods to do this. For instance it can be done using PARAM tags between the <OBJECT> and </OBJECT> tag, or it can be invoked from a client side script by using the Src property:

If we have the label embedded on the page with the HTML code above we can load another label by using Javascript statements like these:

VisiLabel.Src = "http://myserver/labels/label234.visilabel";
Full URL
VisiLabel.Src = "label343.visilabel";
Relative path
VisiLabel.Src = "/label234.visilabel";
Virtual path
VisiLabel.Src = "/myscript.asp?LabelID=234";
Virtual path to a script that generates or fetches the label from database or other data storage
VisiLabel.Src = "C:\\Labels\\Label234.visilabel";
Local path
and so on ...

Furthermore you can see on the figure above that the ActiveX is not a monolith object but a set of objects organized in an object model. The root object which is directly accessible trough the ID of the embedded object is the VisiLabel object. You can think of it as of an canvas on which the graphical elements are placed. They are pictured on the figure on the left. To access such an element from a client side Javascript you can use code like this:

var el = VisiLabel.Element("My Picture");
el.Src = "/images/table.gif";

This addresses an element by name and assuming that it is a picture element changes the image shown in it.

The elements can be addressed by name or numeric index and they can be also enumerated.

On the right side of the figure above you can see a number of service objects. Most of them expose the Active Label's features in classified manner. For instance the Edit object exposes properties and methods related to the interactive editing and view operations. For example:

VisiLabel.Edit.Zoom = 200;
Will change the zoom to 200%

The Variables object has special role. It is an internal data source which can be configured with arbitrary number of fields and bound to the elements on the label. Each field can be bound to a single property of a single graphical object. This means that the internal data source can change not only the text or the image for example but can also change some of their characteristics if that is needed.

This internal data source is automatically navigated during the print operations and thus allows the Active Label print different data on each label in the set sent to printer. It can be also navigated manually or programmatically to allow the user see on the screen how the label would look like with each particular data record applied.

The data served by the data source can be kept in its internal data cache which can be pictured as an array of records each containing values for the configured fields. The cache can be filled in many various ways - by client side Javascript, using entries in the label definition data, by using PARAM attributes in the <OBJECT> HTML element, by fetching cache entries from the server and so on. This is the best way for WEB applications because it gives them full freedom to pass the data the way they prefer. Usually the data for the label is already obtained from the application's database while the WEB page is generated by the server side of the of the application. Thus the server side code can just print the data for the label as parameters or as cache entries if it is embedded like in the example code above. This can be also done later and not during the page load - for example a client side script can invoke data fetching in response to an user action:


The data can be also obtained directly from a database by using OLEDB provider or an ODBC alias. In this case the internal data source (the Variables object) is configured with an init/connection string or DB alias and a query or a name of a table or pre-defined query is set. This is rarely convenient for WEB based applications because it means that the database must reside or must be accessible directly from the workstation machine (the client machine). Of course when Active Label ActiveX is embedded in a Windows application it is on the contrary and this method is simpler and more convenient.

What the label data looks like?

In the sample HTML code above we used the DATA attribute to point a file that contains the data which is loaded into the ActiveX control to form the actual label shown on the screen or a printer. This can be a static file or a server side script that  generates the label data. Also instead of using data the same can be done using PARAM attributes in the object tag. This means that we should have at least one data format that is suitable for all these scenarios.  And that is the Active Label data format introduced in the first version of the ActiveX. In time we will add support for additional data formats more convenient for certain programming styles, but this one will remain the format that can be commonly used no matter the method through which it is feed into the control.

You will find the detailed description of the data format in the documentation. Here we will try to give you only the basic idea and answer the obvious question - why we did it this way.

Let's begin with an example:

<OBJECT ID="VisiLabel"  CLASSID="CLSID:09A02CEE-410B-47BA-A837-E62C9C8D70BF">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD0" VALUE="VISILABEL:1,0:,LabelUID={16164152-39E2-430D-932F-0EC6CB44AB27},POST:New label 97440921">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD1" VALUE="LAYOUT:10000,4000,200,200,200,200:-1,16777215,0,0,0,8388608:-1,9141364,0,0,0,8388608,1">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD2" VALUE="PAGE:0,0,1000,1000,1000,1000,500,500">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD3" VALUE="MISC:0,1,2,0,0">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD4" VALUE="EDIT:-1,1,-1,100,0,0">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD5" VALUE="TEXTDEFAULTS:1,-1,Arial,1,0,0,0,0,0">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD6" VALUE="LABEL:MyTextLabel:975,600,8388608,16777215,1,-1,Arial,400,1,0,0,0,0:My text label:0,0,0,">
  <PARAM NAME="CMD7" VALUE="BARCODE:Element 1.97498781:3300,1725,8388608,600,1000,30,60,0,0,0:1,0,Arial,400,1,0,0,0:10,Hello world!,0123456789,A,B,0,0,16:0,0,0,">

This code will create simple label looking this way:

We use PARAM elements to pas the label data to the control. The limitations imposed by them require us to have a data format that can fit into the VALUE attributes of the PARAM elements. The same label can be created if we pass through the DATA attribute of the <OBJECT> tag path to a text file which contains:

VISILABEL:1,0:,LabelUID={16164152-39E2-430D-932F-0EC6CB44AB27},POST:New label 97440921
LABEL:MyTextLabel:975,600,8388608,16777215,1,-1,Arial,400,1,0,0,0,0:My text label:0,0,0,
BARCODE:Element 1.97498781:3300,1725,8388608,600,1000,30,60,0,0,0:1,0,Arial,400,1,0,0,0:10,Hello world!,0123456789,A,B,0,0,16:0,0,0,

As you can see the actual content is  the same. The differences are tiny - the text file begins with a signature that helps the control detect the format, the PARAM version uses continuous PARAM names CMD0, CMD1 ... etc and puts the same lines in their values.

Thus the base format we use is a set of single text line commands each representing an element or group of settings. The text commands can be saved and read as multibyte or UNICODE text lines. They can be passed also from an URL through the Src property to display a new label or can be passed directly (from a Javascript on the page for instance) through the TextCommands property. Furthermore commands from an URL can be added to the current label using the MergeSrc method. Therefore this data format has one more significant feature - it allows data to be added to an existing label by passing more commands on it. The other benefits of such format are that it does not require additional components (such as XML parser) which would rise the control's base requirements. 

The obvious set back is that the commands require the developer to have their description at hand when he/she writes code that generates them. To simplify that task a little the commands use the following general form:

Where parameter group is a comma separated list of values

For example the text label in the sample above is defined by this command:

LABEL:Element 0.97485593:975,600,8388608,16777215,1,-1,Arial,400,1,0,0,0,0:My text label:0,0,0,
Above each parameter group is in different color to help you identify it.

It is easier to follow parameter groups then a plain long comma separated list. 

The other purpose of the parameter groups is to guarantee cross-version compatibility. In fact a ":" (colon) character can be appended to each command. This is so because any additional parameters future versions of Active Label add will fall in a new parameter group. Thus newer versions are able to load labels designed for older version by assuming default values for the new parameters which may not exist in the data fed into the control.

String escaping.

The data format requires string escaping when the textual values contain certain characters. For example it is obvious that you cannot just put a comma character in the value of a text label or a barcode. Further the PARAM elements make use of quotes impossible so they need to be escaped as well. The standard Active Label escaping is straightforward. For example a simple VBScript function like this will be enough in an ASP page:

Function EscapeString(s)
  Dim str
  str = s
  str = Replace(str,"\","\\")
  str = Replace(str,vbCr,"\r")
  str = Replace(str,vbLf,"\n")
  str = Replace(str,vbTab,"\t")
  str = Replace(str,"'","\q")
  str = Replace(str,"""","\Q")
  str = Replace(str,",","\c")
  str = Replace(str,";","\s")
  str = Replace(str,":","\C")
  EscapeString = str
End Function

It can be done without even a regular expressions usage. You can write such a routine for the programming environment you use if you are going to generate Active Label commands on the server-side. Still in most of the cases the escaping can be omitted because you can use predefined label and just change certain values in your server side code. 

Using images

As we said before newObjects Active Label behaves in browser-like manner. Thus the best angle is to think of the images on the label the same way you thing about the IMG tags on a WEB page. They are loaded from the location pointed by the Src property of the image element, as in the WEB page itself the Src can be changed dynamically to change the image shown on the label. This is especially important during the printing if the labels in the printed set of labels have different images - for example the data in the internal data source may specify different image for each label.

Active Label supports certain image effects and transformations, but the above notes mean that they are applied more like the effects Internet Explorer supports and not like the effects in an image editing Windows application. Thus the transformations are encoded in the image element and applied when the image data is loaded. If the image is changed at run-time (e.g. the Src property changed to point another image) the new image is loaded and the same effects/transformations applied to it. This is widely more convenient than any other approach for this kind of software, because it fully eliminates any need of user action.

There are different scenarios. In some you may have images of inventory items for instance which are used for other purposes besides the labels. Usually they will have similar sizes and other characteristics. Thus the same transformations/effects will be needed for each of them when placed on the label. Another scenario is when the images are especially prepared for the labels. In such case the image elements on the label can be used to apply the transformations/effects and upload the image data to the server in this form. In such cases the transformation settings are to be reset after the upload because the uploaded image is already transformed and you do not need to apply the transformations again.

Editing of the labels - from minimal customization to full interactive editing.

Think of an inventory application, it may be designed for a warehouse where only a narrow range of items are stored, but yet again it may need to deal with different kind of items for which different kind of labels are needed. They may differ in size and design and while in a simpler application you can hardcode the label data for example in PARAM elements in a more flexible application you will need to allow certain users to edit/create label designs, test them and finally make them available in the operations performed by the end-operators.

The needs may vary - sometimes it would be enough to allow the operator add/change a few texts on the label or delete potentially unneeded elements. In other cases an administrator will need to design a new label from scratch.

For the simpler scenarios you can just put a little Javascript code on the WEB page and provide the user with a few buttons and other standard HTML form controls so that he/she can enter/change the data and then update one or two elements on the label after the user clicks a button for example. This may also involve saving some data on the server, but generally it means that you need to use the Active Label programming interface to add/change a few well-known elements on the label. Let's take an example:

Let's assume that in the simple label above we want to make possible for the user to change the text. Suppose that the Barcode is generated from the database, but somehow (for the sake of the simplicity of the example) the text must be manually set by the operator.

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onClick="VisiLabel('MyTextLabel').Text = MyText.value;">

We can do that with such a simple HTML code, provided, of course that the text entered by the operator would not be saved in the database on the server. If we need to do that we will need to reload the label with the new data and the change will be applied on the server side when the text commands for the label are re-generated.

By naming the elements to be changed with convenient names they can be accessed directly and one can put the code needed most often in-place and avoid even the need to write a script function. When the change is more significant then, of course it is better to perform the change in a separate Javascript function.

When this is not enough you can extend it further, but there is a point where such pre-defined limited in number user actions will be no longer enough. In such case you should consider putting the Active Label ActiveX in interactive editing mode (see VisiLabel.Edit.EditMode = true; ). Further you will need to supply control elements on the WEB page that will invoke the actions that cannot be performed entirely inside the control. For example adding a new element will require you to put a button or an image which when clicked creates the element or instructs the ActiveX to expect mouse click or rectangle drag inside the label and create an element on the location selected by the user.

Then the user can move and resize the element(s) on the label. By double clicking an element or by pressing the Enter key the user can also invoke the property sheet for the element and edit its properties. Each element has a number of property pages that give the user full access to all the element's characteristics. If the developer wants to allow all this but keep some elements from editing they can be locked and thus unavailable for interactive editing.

The VisiLabel object fires events when element is created, selected, changed or deleted and the WEB page (or application) can intercept them and perform additional operations in response. They may vary from simple user interface visual indications to inspection of the changes done by the user. You can learn more about the interactive editing mode from the examples included in the Active Label download packages.

Uploading content

It is pointless to offer interactive editing without means to save the user's work. In an typical Windows application this means a file save operation, but in case of an ActiveX on a WEB page this certainly brings up many questions. So, the Active Label ActiveX must offer mechanisms for data persistence which are suitable for WEB based applications and it does:

First you will notice that the VisiLabel object and the Image and Text (text box) graphical element objects have a property named Dst. It is accompanied by two other properties and one method. The supporting properties are PostVerb and PostParams and the method is PostData.Before continuing lets note that for text boxes this technique is provided but as an option - usually their content is saved with the label data and there is no need to upload their content separately, still the option is present for those who would want to use it.

The Dst property can be read and written. It contains a destination URL - i.e. an URL (or relative or virtual path) to which the data is submitted. We prefer the term data post in the developer oriented documentation because Active Label prefers HTTP or HTTP like protocols. This does not mean that it cannot work with other bi-directional protocols (such as FTP), but they are not considered as important in this respect. The reasons are obvious - the applications that integrate the control would need maximum control over the data flow and such applications work over HTTP or similar protocols and not over protocols like FTP. Thus some features may not be available over protocols not designed to support custom applications, but of course this is out of the topic - we speak about WEB applications. So, the Dst property specifies the destination/target URL, but the WEB applications need also parameters. The PostParams property allows the developer set some custom parameters and they will be included when the content is posted (uploaded). The PostVerb is by default "POST" which is ok for the most cases but it can be changed to another verb if needed. However the post verb is something you should not change just so. For instance if you set it to "GET" the posted data will be ignored by almost any WEB server because the GET verb is assumed to be a verb especially dedicated for data fetch operations. Thus the verb depends on what you have on the other end - the default value "POST" is suitable for virtually all the WEB servers and pseudo WEB server (like ALP).

By default putting a value into the Dst property invokes data post operation immediately. As you can guess Active Label ActiveX generates certain parameters automatically and thus gives to the server-side of the application enough information about what is in the posted data. Now lets illustrate all this with an example.

Lets have an image element on the label. We want to send it to the server side of the application.

VisiLabel("MyImageElement").Dst = "/scripts/labelimages.asp";

We set the element's Dst property to a virtual path pointing a server side script which will receive it and then store it somewhere on the server (in a file or database for example). If we assume that the PostVerb and the PostParams have their default values the Active Label will send POST request to this URL:


The label caption is obtained from the VisiLabel.Caption property, the element type is 5 - image element etc. All these parameters are generated automatically. The one that rises a question is the ImageType - the value of 2 here is only an example - the value for the parameter will differ depending on what is the image format. Most WEB developers will ask why not use a Content-Type header instead. The reason is that Active Label supports not only HTTP but also any URL protocol capable of data post operations and the Windows API does not offer headers for the other URL protocols. Thus a solution based on a query string parameter will suit any protocol while a header will work only with HTTP and will cause the developers who want to run their applications through different URL protocols to write different versions for each URL protocol.  This concerns for example application which are designed to run on both products like ALP and WEB servers. The ability to run WEB application on the client side is a huge benefit for some projects and making it harder is something we do not want - that is why the type of the data is indicated by a query string parameter.

What the server side script/program receives?

You may expect it to be multipart/form-data like in the form uploads, but we decided that it can be simpler. Thus the data is sent raw. The server side script receives only the content and can read it directly without need to parse multipart/form-data blocks. In the example with the image element above the labelimages.asp can just read all the input data and save it:

If CLng(Request.QueryString("ElementType")) = 5 Then
  ' An image - save it
  Set strm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  strm.Type = 1
  strm.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
  saveFileName = "Image-" & Request.QueryString("Name")
  bSaved = False
  Select Case CLng(Request.QueryString("ImageType"))
      saveFileName = saveFileName & ".bmp"
      saveFileName = saveFileName & ".gif"
      saveFileName = saveFileName & ".jpg"
      saveFileName = saveFileName & ".png"
    ' Code for other image formats omitted for brevity
  End Select
  strm.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(saveFileName), 2
' Code continues
End If

The code snippet above omits some details, such as the definition of the image format constants and some error checking but it describes the basic operations needed to handle a data post from the Active Label ActiveX control.  As you can see the two statements in blue do the job - the rest is a matter of file name and save location selection. Thus if you have two lines of code that are actually needed you can spend all your efforts on tasks that are important to your project - such as finding the best place to store the received data so that it can fit the application structure.

You can see the details in the documentation, but we think there is one more detail to be pointed out. The server side script that receives the data responds to the Active Label ActiveX with some status text. The minimal response is OK (e.g. Response.Write "OK" if everything has been received and saved correctly), but if you want to update the Src property of the element that is uploaded to point the location from which the just saved data can be re-obtained you can return after the OK the URL or the virtual path to it something like this:

Response.Write "OK /somedirectory/" & savedFileName & vbCrLf

Without this (e.g. if you return only OK) the element will continue to refer the resource the user had imported in it (for example it may be a local file on his/her machine). Of course this is not always needed - depends on how the application is structured. It is recommended if you allow the label content to be reloaded in the middle of the editing process because this will refer the saved resources after the reload operation. If you do not allow this the change will become apparent when you show the label again, most likely on another page. In this case it is important to make the label refer the saved resources on this second page, but not on the page on which it is initially designed. So, this option allows you to synch the label with the saved resources as needed and when needed.

The label definition upload is like the upload of an image element, but the image and element specific URL parameters are not included in the request sent to the server. newObjects Active Label ActiveX generates an unique label name (not fully guaranteed) each time an empty label is created, also it generates a parameter LabelUID set to a unique GUID in the PostParams property of the VisiLabel object. You are not required to use this parameter - you can clear it for instance if you have your own means to identify the different labels. The caption must be not too long that is why it is not a GUID - to keep it human readable and we generate this LabelUID parameter separately for those who want to have a guaranteed unique identifier automatically available for each new label created.

About the printing

The Active Label ActiveX has options that allow the developer or the user (through property pages if they are made available for him/her) to specify how the labels are placed on the paper. For the purpose the page size, its margins and the label horizontal and vertical spacing can be specified. The page size is optional - if set to zeros Active Label obtains it from the printer (the user can still change the paper format from the print dialog). Adjusting these settings may require you to measure the paper first and perform some tests to find the perfect values. Note that some printer drivers may cause some little but unexpected problems. For example we had the opportunity to spot a printer that "thinks" that paper top is about a centimeter above the actual paper top border. Furthermore the label paper formats vary a lot - for many of them you will not find a pre-defined paper settings in the printer's dialog. You can cope easily with all this by using the Active Label's paper margin and paper size settings - all you need is identify which ones are to be adjusted. In our tests with non-standard paper formats we found out that usually 2 maximum 3 test pages are enough to calibrate the page settings.

Unlike the other operations printing blocks the user interface. Why? The Active Label must obtain the resources for the label set currently printed. If you use a data set (from a database or from the internal cache) this may mean that each label shows different image(s) and they are downloaded for each of them during the printing. We block the user interface because otherwise the user would be able to navigate to another page and thus disrupt the printing operation - navigation to another page unloads the ActiveX. To speed up the operation the resource download during the printing operations uses cache and if the resources on the labels are frequently used it will proceed rapidly even if the resources are accessed over slow connections. The Active Label connection settings (see the general properties sheet) you can set have effect over the normal operation (on the screen), but during the printing operations they are forcibly changed for the duration of the printing process. Still, the developers should be aware of this and if possible print smaller sets of labels at a turn when the labels contain many big images and the images are accessible through a slow or unreliable connection.

Copyright newObjects (ZmeY soft) 2001-2005