Exchange links with us
Webmasters interested in exchanging links with us can use these images.
Send us your image and link. Please send only images with size smaller than 100px (width) and 50px (height).
The links on our site are placed in 4 slots rotated throughout the pages. The list of the currently configured links
is shown below. Click the slot links after the list to see another slot.
Slot 1
Software, Companies and Jobs at 907294)
Active-X.Com(Exposures: 939990)
NS Basic(Exposures: 941059)
Win free license for Active Local Pages!(Exposures: 970898)
Webscripts directory(Exposures: 1001755)
ASP Wire(Exposures: 1065489)
DevDex(Exposures: 1066692)
ASP Focus(Exposures: 1066990)
ASP Objects(Exposures: 1067877)
ASP Index(Exposures: 1068558)
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Active Label ActiveX
Barcoding and label design and printing embedded into the WEB applications.
Active Label Browser
Light weight application for Label design with support for most 1-d barcodes and pictures.
Links to databases, works with local and online resources, acts like a browser.
WEB programming
Active Local Pages
The same code on a WEB server or running as normal Windows application. ALP removes the borders
between WEB and desktop programming, it even allows you build autoruns, start your program from
a flash drive. ALP now has its own WEB site dedicated to it.
All-in-one ActiveX
ActiveX Pack1
Ever wanted an ActiveX package that covers almost everything and everywhere (PC, Pocket PC, Smartphone)?
AXPack1 is close to that - work with files/streams, scripting, string formatting,
write components in script, dictionary collections, data persistence and exchange and much more.
Part of AXPack1 that treats the TCP/IP and IRDA netwroking just like files - you can do with
them almost everything you can do with files.
Part of AXPack1. Full SQL database engine in a single object. ActiveX port of the popular SQLite
IE Toolbars
IE ScriptBar
Create custom toolbars for IE, and make them do something really useful. You can do it
in script, VB or C but as easy as creating a dynamic WEB page.
For Pocket IE
Work safely with unsafe ActiveX in Pocket Internet Explorer.
IIS Plug-ins
ISAPI Authenticator
Implement custom authentication for your WEB sites. ISAPI filter for all IIS and PWS versions.
ISAPI Variable parser
Make the parameters passed to your pages look like plain URL.
ISAPI Redirector
Spread the trafffic to your site to more than one server or simply implement smarter redirection.