ALP ALP Content Generators
This page is provided as index of the Content Generator components (ALP Modules) available in the standard package of the ALP.

Content Generators (CG) are the native applications for the ALP. they conform the newObjects internal CCGA standard. You can also call a CG an ALP Module. For example the ASP module is a CG, the CGI module is a CG and so forth. 

List below provides links to the component reference and additional data that may be required by the developers:

  • RawSpool - Trivial CG, transfers the resource pointed by the URL without processing. Its major purpose is to determine the content type of the resource.
    Class name: CG.newObjects.RawSpool
    Module: iewebsrv.dll (from ALP version 1.2), CGStandard.dll in the previous versions.
    Applicable for the File section in the alp.application. Can be registered to handle certain file extensions but this will not be more useful then the registration in the File section.
  • SimpleTemplate - Simple CG that is capable of serving only textual content. Works over HTML, plain text and other text formatted files. Replaces special escapement tags with the parameters from the query string and form post if the tags are found in the file.
    Class name: CG.newObjects.SimpleTemplate
    Module: iewebsrv.dll (from ALP version 1.2), CGStandard.dll in the previous versions.
    In the default configuration it is registered to handle html-tml file extensions. Can be registered for additional file extensions. Not applicable for the sections in the InternalExecutionMap section of the alp.application.
  • GateCGI - Executes CGI applications and scripts. Provides simulation environment for the CGI applications.
    Class name: CG.newObjects.GateCGI
    Module: iewebsrv.dll (from ALP version 1.2), CGStandard.dll in the previous versions.
    Applicable for handling exe files and scripts interpreted by executable files.
    In the default configuration it is registered to handle only exe extensions, but can be used to handle any extension that points to a file used by a Win32 executable to produce output.
  • DirList - Generates directory listing output in HTML format. Uses a template for the output customization. Supports file descriptions.
    Class name: CG.newObjects.DirList
    Module: iewebsrv.dll (from ALP version 1.2), CGStandard.dll in the previous versions.
    Designed for use with the Directory case in the InternalExectutionMap section of the alp.application.
  • ScriptGen - Runs ASP compatible pages and raw Active scripts. Supplies object environment used by the scripts to access the request, generate output, query environment information, create objects.
    Class name: CG.newObjects.ScriptGen
    Module: iewebsrv.dll (from ALP version 1.2), alpaspcontext.dll in the previous versions.
    Applicable for the file extensions meaning files written as ASP compatible pages or raw scripts.
    In the default configuration it is registered to handle:
    asp - as ASP-like scripts
    js-script - as raw scripts in JScript
    vb-script - as raw scripts in VBScript
    Its module contains additional classes used by the ScriptGen - see the ScriptGen (ASP module) configuration for details

See also: CCGA, ALP Configuration

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