newObjects IE ScriptBar Taking control over the pages in the IE work area
 Any task that involves interaction with the page(s) user views in the current browser window (in the browser's work area) must be implemented in the toolbar script. From it you can access the currently viewed page through the Browser object which in turn gives you access to body of the document or to the frames and their documents - whatever is currently opened in the browser.

From the Browser object you can learn the current URL (Browser.LocationURL property), access the document (Browser.Document property), see if the page is a frameset (Browser.Document.frames collection) and dig deeper in the DHTML object model. By using the Browser object's methods you can force it to navigate to an URL of your choice (Browser.Navigate2), set caption text, status bar text and so on.

Also your toolbar script (or object if you implemented it in VB, C for example) is informed about the events happening in the browser through the event handlers you implemented in it. you can react to them and perform certain actions over the pages shown to the user, prevent the user from navigation to certain URL or even perform some actions instead of the browser.

The latter is an interesting sample - for instance assume you want to handle the download of certain resources in special manner. It could be documents in the intranet for example. Then you can intercept OnBeforeNavigate event, cancel the navigation and start a thread that downloads the resource using the NetStreams library (it is part of the ScriptBar's run-time library), then you can deal further with the downloaded resource - pass it to a specific program (Host.Execute method) or save it in a predefined folder etc.

Therefore the toolbar can interfere with the work Internet Explorer does, change the viewed pages, control the navigation, perform tasks instead of the browser, collect information, perform tasks needed to integrate the user actions in the browser with other applications and so on.

If used together with Active Local Pages (ALP) product the newObjects IE ScriptBar may give you even more opportunities. For instance you can open in the browser work area an ALP application that manages data collected by the toolbar, configures it or does something else that is needed from time to time and is backed by data collected/managed by the toolbar during the regular usage of the browser. Combined with the ability to dig into the DHTML object model of the WEB pages user views this may present an interesting opportunity for complex browsing companion applications.

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