ALP Request.BinaryRead method
The BinaryRead method allows the ASP pages read non-processed request content. In ALP the processed/translated content which is available through the Form collection is not available through the BinaryRead method. Therefore the method usage makes sense only when the submitted data is not encoded as standard post form. This is is most often an upload form:

<FORM METHOD="POST" ... enctype="multipart/form-data">

If the form is coded this way the browser posts the form fields encoded in format different from the regular format. To keep ALP compatible with the classic ASP ALP does not decode these form posts automatically. Thus they must be decoded by the page using the BinaryRead method. This is in fact relatively easy and there are many samples showing how to do this, including a composite object that you can use in your applications.


data = Request.BinaryRead(numBytes)


numBytes - can be 0 to Request.TotalBytes.

returned value  - is an array of bytes (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY) which is the standard format for binary data.


    str = ""
    Function FormatHex(n,l)
        Dim s
        s = Hex(n)
        While Len(s) < l
            s = "0" & s
        FormatHex = s
    End Function
    Response.Write FormatHex(0,8) & "    "
    For i = 1 To Request.TotalBytes
        j = (i - 1) Mod 16
        c = MidB(RequestBin,i,1)
        ln = FormatHex(AscB(c),2) & " "
        Response.Write ln
        if AscB(c) < 32 Or AscB(c) > 255 Then str = str & "." Else str = str & Chr(AscB(c))
        If j >= 15 Then
            Response.Write "    " & Server.HTMLEncode(str)
            Response.Write vbCrLf
            str = ""
            If i Mod 256 = 0 Then Response.Write vbCrLf 
            Response.Write FormatHex(i,8) & "    "
        End If

The sample above dumps the binary data sent through the request. You can use it to see how the browsers encode the data of the forms that use enctype="multipart/form-data"


Although the ASP compatible pages in ALP can handle any data format through the BinaryRead method, the browsers will send only multipart/form-data encoded data. Another encoding may be used only if you use ALP through a non-browser application. For example you can post custom encoded data using the NetProbe object.

Using the composite object from the samples to handle multipart/form-data encoded forms is may be the best approach for ALP applications and for applications that aim to run on both ALP and IIS. Be aware that many of the 3-d party COM objects for upload handling may have issues on some Windows versions and coding your application with them may cause troubles.

Applies to: Request object

See also: The upload related samples. If you want ready to use object for handling multipart/form-data uploads see the upload component sample from the composite objects section.


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